
Additional resources and support materials for the International Global Citizen’s Award and for global citizenship education are available on the IGCA support site at:

These include:

IGCA Guide 2018 onwards

IGCA Guide: Understanding other cultures and outlooks 2022

IGCA Guide: Reflection 2017

There are many organisations working in areas relevant to global citizenship and the International Global Citizen’s Award.
This section gives links to websites of some of these. It incorporates some suggestions from users of this site.

80:20 Educating & Acting for a Better World
Promoting development education in Ireland

Asia Society Center for Global Education
The Asia Society has played a leading role in strengthening global education in the USA. Its global education website includes guides, research and teaching resources.

Conversations on Compassion
Nurturing Caring and Compassionate Citizens of the World
A partner organisation of the International Global Citizen’s Award, initiated by the IGCA Ambassador in India, Dr Pathma Naidu.

Earth Charter Initiative
The Earth Charter is a declaration of fundamental principles for building a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society for the 21st century.

Education for sustainability
New Zealand’s website on this area.
Contains useful resources for schools

Ireland’s public information service on environmental matters, including sustainable development. Includes schools and teachers section.

Fairtrade Labelling Organisation (FLO)
Information about Fairtrade products, producers and organisations. Links to national websites.

For further links on Fairtrade visit: (general information on Fairtrade, and specific information on Fairtrade coffee)

Global Dimension
UK website run by Think Global. Includes a searchable, very useful and extensive resources database. Although geared towards schools in England, it is of much wider interest and use.

Global Education
An Australian website funded by the Global Education Project and Education Services Australia. It contains much useful background and resources for teachers developing a global perspective across the curriculum..

Global Eye
A website of the Royal Geographical Society in the UK with resources for primary and secondary schools for geography education. Some of these are relevant to global citizenship.

Global Footprints
UK website with many activities and resources, mainly for primary age children

Life-Link Friendship-Schools
Swedish-based independent non-governmental organisation which aims to promote contact and cooperation between young people around the world and their schools, through active participation in shared projects relating to Care for ourselves - Care for each other - Care for the environment.

Nature Works Everywhere
Website on environmental education from The Nature Conservancy. Lesson plans, videos and other teaching resources.

New Dream
This website of the Center for a New American Dream helps Americans (although it’s relevant to others) consume responsibly to protect the environment, enhance quality of life, and promote social justice. “Helping people live consciously, buy wisely, and make a difference.” Includes useful resources for schools and students.

Oxfam Education
Oxfam UK’s website for teachers on global citizenship and related matters. Relates closely to UK curricula, but of general interest and use.

Roots & Shoots
A programme of the Jane Goodall Institute, Roots and Shoots is a powerful, youth-driven, global network of more than 8,000 groups in almost 100 countries. Together, youth of all ages are taking action to improve our world through service learning projects that promote care and concern for animals, the environment and the human community.

The Story of Stuff
The Story of Stuff project started in 2007 with a ground-breaking film about consumer waste. It has grown into a worldwide movement promoting grassroots community action and sustainable, ethical living. It produces short animated movies and other resources, ideal for use in schools.

TakingITGlobal, based in Toronto, Canada, is an international organisation - led by youth and empowered by technology. TakingITGlobal connects youth around the world to find inspiration, information and get involved in improving their local and global communities.

Tourism Concern
UK website on ethical tourism, and the implications of tourism for local communities.

UNESCO Global Citizenship Education
UNESCO produces some excellent guidance and teaching materials.

UNESCO Clearinghouse on Global Citizenship Education
This website has links to organisations, materials and resources associated with global citizenship education, including UNESCO’s own reports and materials.

UNICEF Voices of Youth
Directed at young people. Information, campaigns and suggestions for action.

Wastebuster aims to support schools to become sustainable, to empower children to change their environment and enable children to believe that they can make a difference to their world.UK-based.

International campaigning conservation organisation, with many related national organisations.
Resources produced by national organisations include:





The International Global Citizen’s Award